When selling a house you need to know what will help you sell quickly, and for the most money. Where do you get that help and information and when should you get it?
The most difficult part of selling is realizing your house may not be worth what you think it is. How do you protect your equity along with all the time and effort you have put into your structure you now call home?
First things First
When selling today, you need to realize that at least 95% of buyers are looking online first before even considering to enter into your home. What makes you look online to buy anything? What makes you go forward to buy? Typically need and value. When you stage, you create value for your property. Your goal is to entice those buyers surfing the web to take the next step to set up an appointment to look at your house in person. Remember it’s better to be looked at, then to be overlooked.
Consider the Following
- You need to stand out from your competition. You need to make sure that your house is one that buyers aspire to not only for their wish list; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, big yard etc., you also need to make those rooms appealing.
- Making rooms appear appealing is one of the biggest challenges I see on the MLS. Let’s face it, for some; having all the professionals taking a cut of the profits from the sale of the house can be troublesome. To have your realtor tell you to clean and declutter is an obvious step to getting your house ready for the market. Wouldn’t you detail your car if you were trying to sell it?? But the important next step is how do you move onto making the rooms appealing?
- A realtor that includes a staging consult when you list with them is a great advantage, or make a small investment to have a staging consult before you sell, is essential. Why? A professional stager knows what buyers are looking for, and can evaluate what you have, explaining the best way to present your house to stand out on the market. They take your house to the next level.
- Do not take the consult personally but to heart. What? That’s confusing, right? To heart, what I mean is listen, ask questions if you do not understand why the changes are needed. And paramount; react, act, and put your heart and soul into getting your house ready. Step back and really look at your house; this is one of the best steps to getting it sold.
- Ask questions; is it worth your time and money to update a bathroom, resurface a floor, paint your red dining room, or rent furniture. A professional stager will answer you honestly, give you reasons why it is or is not worth those updates. Again take those answers and suggestions to heart, they will give you the return back. Most of all…
- Think objectively. It will cost you 1% to 3% of the listing price to get your house ready for the market. Statistics have proven, that investment gives you a return of 6% to 10%! There you go, you are protecting your equity.
When selling, accept the offers of help if you do not do this as a profession. Your Realtor is a pro and knows the market and how to price your property. A Professional Stager knows how to transform your property to one that will resonate with buyers. The help is for you to have a successful, quick sale. Isn’t that what every seller wants?
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