Being organized does not mean that you have to be OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), really! Having some basic systems in place does help with life. When you are trying to get organized, spend some time in one room. Small steps in setting up a system that you can maintain on a regular basis. Once you have organized that room you will feel calmer and probably like entering the room. Where do you start?
Clear the Clutter
Choose the room:
I suggest to my clients to start in one room that they feel always seems like chaos to them. It could be an office, toy room, kitchen, a closet or simply the entranceway into your home. By working in one space at a time you will see progress. once you see the progress you will realize the ease of using that room.
Identify what is clutter:
Once you identify the one room to start with, identify what is driving you crazy about that room. Is it that you have no storage space, no place to put items, it is the catch-all for everyone’s else’s stuff. Is there too much in the room that is taking up valuable time when you need to find something? Once you identify the problem it becomes easier to address how to correct it.
If you feel that you are lacking storage space, can you build shelves to create more storage space? Using shelving helps sort and store a lot, but they need to stay organized otherwise they just lend to the clutter. Do you have a closet that might be underutilized? By adding an additional shelf or another rod might solve your problem.
Eliminating the clutter:
Yes, this is the tough part. Once you have added the space for storage what goes in should be chosen carefully. Do not just through everything into your new shelving unit. Go through and sort what you need, group similar things together. Baskets are a favorite of mine to store items in. For one, you can put similar items in one and label it for easy identification. They can be decorative or you can get practical plastic tubs to store items. I love that manufacturers are now even coloring totes for holiday items, Halloween items etc. Makes it even easier to identify what is stored in that tote.
Everyone’s items that end up in one area, get everyone to pitch in and help. At the end of the day before everyone heads to bed, they have to go through the house and pick up their items and put away in the proper place. Of course, having those spaces organized help them by having a place to put everything away. Don’t feel it has to be only you taking care of the clutter. Everyone can pitch in to make it easier to deal with.
Being Organized does not mean being OCD. Create systems in place that can help keep the chaos at bay. This way you can keep the clutter and mess to a minimum because you will have places to store the things you need.
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